Thursday, July 3, 2008

Commonality Between Tennis and Hospitals - Trusting in the Status Quo

I just read about a controversial call made by the HawkEye camera system at last year's Wimbledon. As a tennis fan, I immediately found this interesting. Apparently the system is accurate to within 3.6 mm on average. In the 2007 final between Nadal and Federer, a critical shot by Nadal was called out, and looked out on TV. However, Nadal requested HawkEye's opinion, and it turned out that the computer called in it by 1 mm. He was given the point. This seems ridiculous to me (and others) since the judgment was taken at face value (100% accurate) even though by its own specifications the computer's ruling was statistically inconclusive. I can't wait to watch this year's final! It seems like the computer should either say "it's in," "it's out," or "I don't know." Nobody questioned this until now?

It turns out that medical professionals have also been going with the flow. Only recently did someone finally do a study indicating that RFID tags used to track medical devices can sometimes interfere with other life-critical equipment. Previously people assumed that they might but really didn't know if or how severely. Maybe some standardization of a "medical-class" RFID tag would help prevent this interference.
On a related note, the Supreme Court has apparently indemnified class-III medical device manufacturers from liability for device failures once the FDA has approved them. Limits on liability ok; no liability not ok! Danger Will Robinson!

1 comment:

Eric said...


Actually, the Supreme Court just said that the doctrine of preemption prevents states from re-regulating products already regulating federally by the FDA. This is not indemnification, so much as consolidation. There is still a path for civil redress in federal court, but at least it is not a crazy quilt of state-specific product liability legislation that promotes mass tort hotspots.